The Landlord's Ledger

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How to Prepare for the New Legislation to Ban No-Fault Evictions

The Labour government is set to introduce a comprehensive Renters' Rights Bill, as highlighted in the recent King’s...

The Impact of Mandatory Licensing for Letting Agents in England

Exploring the potential effects of mandatory licensing for letting agents in England and the implications for both...

Nearly half of landlord's report problems gaining access to properties

In the realm of property management, the paramount responsibility of ensuring the safety and compliance of rental...

Celebrating 14 Years of Helpland: A Journey of Growth and Success

Join us as we celebrate the incredible journey of Helpland over the past 14 years, marked by phenomenal growth,...

Increasing Rent in Response to Rising Mortgages: A Guide for Landlords

As a landlord, your property investment often hinges on the delicate balance between mortgage repayments and rental...

Dealing with Overcrowding in Rental Properties: A Landlord's Guide

Overcrowding in rental properties is a significant issue for landlords. It's not just a matter of too many people in a...

8 Common Landlord Mistakes That Hinder Tenant Eviction Processes

As experts in property and rent arrears challenges, Helpland has identified several key mistakes landlords make that...

Legal Compliance: A Guide for UK Landlords on Statutory Requirements

Being a landlord in the UK involves navigating a complex web of legal obligations. Helpland, leveraging its extensive...

Late Rent Payments: A Landlord's Guide Under UK Law

Dealing with tenants who consistently pay their rent late can be challenging and stressful as a landlord. Understanding...

Managing the Complexities of Unauthorised Subletting.

Discovering that a tenant has sublet your property without permission can be unsettling for any landlord. It's a...

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